Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day

So Father's Day was cool. I got to lay around in bed and Maya read books to me, ulian was chilling, and Denise made me M&M pancakes. Dope. Then we went down to the Embarcadro and took the kids on tours of the boats at the maritime museum, and we even took a boat ride around the bay. Father's Day really is about being a father mor than anything else. For some of us, that can be a difficult task, especially if we didn't really have someone to teach us how to be fathers. I'm finding that being a dad is a really hard job, and I don't mean just when I want to do something that my kids don't want to do. Fatherhood is a constant job. Even as I'm attempting to type this, my daughter is digging in my wallet while yelling that she wants to watch Caillu. So much for time to write. Good luck out there and stay sane.