Sunday, September 30, 2012


You will experience the most wondrous victories and the most crushing defeats as a parent. Sometimes you will have them in the same day, or even in the same hour. Still, nothing fills the heart with pure love as when a child climbs into your lap, snuggles into your body, and says, "I love you." nothing compares to that; it is in a special category that few things can compare to.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


For most of my life, especially as a child and young man, I never even imagined that I could have the stereotypical perfect American life. That part of the American Dream was just too far out of reach. Now that I do have some pieces I it such a the house, the family, and the good job I find myself annoyed with the details that parent it all from being perfect. It is silly, but maybe it is human nature to truly want it all. From having so little, I now have so much, and it is disconcerting that I am not content.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Drop off at school

I wonder if my mother had the same empty feeling I have when I drop Julian off at school. It is really difficult to explain the drop in my stomach, the sadness in my heart, and the wondering and worry in my mind. I hope he is okay. I hope he has a happy day and no one picks on him. Maybe I only wonder these things because I cannot ask her. Maybe I hope that she did feel the same as I do.